Ideas for juggling studying up to and during Christmas
Posted on 20th October 2022 at 16:43
There are a few things you can do to help yourself during the build up to and the actual festive season.
· If you have access to a library – use it! Often, they offer strategies for study and revision, which can be invaluable if you have assessments coming up in January. You may even find that they hold revise together sessions. Check out the library local to where you will be staying for the festive period, they will often provide similar things.
· Plan your time effectively. Balance is key here – it is just as important to plan time for yourself and family. Don’t deny yourself. Talk to other students and find out how they balance their time, you may come away with some great ideas.
· Wherever you are, create your own study area. A calm, quiet place if possible and somewhere you can close the door. Remember, you could use the local library if that suits better. If you are not using a library, let people know you are studying so that they are less likely to disturb you. Remember back to when you were home learning during the pandemic and use tips and ideas you found useful then. One of the most important things is to remain motivated. Take regular breaks and set yourself goals.
· Try not to wind down too early for the festive season. You may see others around you enjoying a break or holiday from as early as the 1st December and continue that holiday right the way through to the second week in January. Don’t fall into this trap. Take Christmas off, of course, but remember that there are actually only usually around 3 days that are classed as holiday over the Christmas period. So, if you choose to finish studying the week before Christmas, you are still giving yourself a lovely long break. Because of this you should come back to study feeling revitalised and well rested.
So, good luck spinning those study and Christmas plates! Remember you are not alone and remember you need to keep yourself disciplined and organised – as always!
By Tammy Cooney
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