What is the benefit to your business of upskilling your workforce?
Posted on 18th August 2022 at 14:33
It has been discussed and agreed by businesses over the years that the most important part of any company is its staff. It should go without saying then, if your staff are your biggest asset, then nurturing them and encouraging them to grow professionally is an important part of keeping your staff happy and ultimately productive.
Upskilling enables staff to learn new skills or enhance existing skills. The majority of the time this is achieved through some sort of training (Course Detective www.coursedetective.co.uk and their partners could help here) There has been research which suggests that upskilling boosts staff satisfaction and loyalty to your business. The knowledge obtained by your staff also helps to maintain a competitive edge with your competitors.
Improving satisfaction of your staff helps with productivity of staff and employee retention rates can be kept low. By upskilling, staff may feel that they can see a career progression and therefore a genuine reason to stay with your company. If you offer upskilling to your staff, it shows that you are interested in their career progression, and this can only go to boost the morale of employees. Equally, if you have better trained, educated, or upskilled staff your client’s satisfaction will only increase, meaning you generate a well-known and respected business, while remaining competitive. ILO Global states that “Today’s Skills will not match the jobs of tomorrow, and newly acquired skills may quickly become obsolete” so it is imperative that upskilling continues, the calibre of your staff continues to grow, and your workforce matches your requirements in the future.
As a business offering upskilling opportunities, you are likely to attract new staff. These staff will see that you offer career progression and therefore people who are ambitious and want to grow and develop their career, will be attracted to your business.
With the above said, are you going to consider upskilling? If you are, then make a start and consider:
· Where there may be skills lacking within your current workforce and choose appropriate courses/training for staff.
· Make training available to all.
· Incentivising upskilling, so that even those staff that do not see themselves embarking on further training may become interested. · Close the skills gap with Course Detective www.coursedetective.co.uk
With thanks to ILO and to find further reading from ILO https://www.ilo.org/infostories/en-GB/Campaigns/future-work/global-commission#intro
Tagged as: upskill
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