REF: CDA2006004
A Level English Literature Taught Online Course LIVE LESSONS
The A Level English Literature syllabus teaches pupils to read, interpret and evaluate texts from some of the greatest English literature ever written. Deeper themes, meanings, contexts and attitudes are explored and pupils learn to utilise this in their own creative writing. Students are taught to connect the wider themes of historical literature to the contemporary setting. This qualification requires a personal response and pupils will grow and develop a deeper understanding of themselves.
The A Level English Literature syllabus enables pupils to progress on to Degree in English Literature at university.
Teacher assessments are continuous during LIVE TAUGHT lessons, marking of coursework and assignments and summative tests.
Homework will be given at the end of each week, usually in the form of problems to solve, researching key concepts.
Students have 24/7 access to all of their course materials.
Additionally the school holds 3 parent consultaions per year - one each term.
The Teacher
I lоve leаrning оf аll kinds аnd I hоpe tо pаss оn this enthusiаsm tо my students. Eаch persоn leаrns best in his оr her оwn pаrticulаr wаy, sо I prоvide persоnаlised lessоn plаns tо meet the individuаl needs оf my students. I am an experienced teacher of English, a poet and writer. I аm interested in film аnd music аnd I'm аlwаys trying tо find new mоvies аnd musiciаns.
Course Outline
Songs of Ourselves Vol 2, selected poems; Cambridge University Press
Stories of Ourselves, Vol 1, selected stories; Cambridge University Press
William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night, recommend Arden Shakespeare
Tennessee Williams, Sweet Bird of Youth, Methuen Drama Student Edition
Paper 1 - Passages
• The paper contains three questions.
• Candidates answer two questions
: Question 1, and either Question 2 or Question 3
• Questions carry equal marks.Each question is based on one passage (or thematically related shorter passages) printed in the question paper
. Texts will be drawn from a range of English language sources such as advertisements, brochures, leaflets, editorials, news stories, articles, reviews, blogs, investigative
Journalism, letters, podcasts, (auto) biographies, diaries, essays, scripted speech (e.g. a speech by a politician) and narrative/descriptive writing.
Each question is in two parts:
(a) commentary on the use of language in the passage(s). [15 marks]
(b) directed writing task based on the passage(s). [10 marks]
In all questions, candidates are required to:
• identify distinguishing features of the texts, relate them to the function and context of the writing, and organise information in their answers
• comment on aspects such as vocabulary, fi gurative language (e.g. use of metaphor and simile), word ordering and sentence structure, formality/informality of tone, and
the communication of attitudes, bias or prejudice, structure
• write for a specific purpose and/or audience using appropriate vocabulary, tone, and style
Candidates are advised to spend approximately 15 minutes reading the whole paper before they begin writing.Dictionaries may not be used.
Paper 2 - Writing
The paper contains two sections:
Section A and Section B. There are three questions in each section.
• Candidates answer two questions: one question from Section A and one question from Section B
• Questions carry equal marks.
Section A: Imaginative writing (i.e. imaginative/descriptive)
Candidates choose one out of three questions.
Questions require a narrative or descriptive piece of continuous writing of 600–900 words (or two shorter linked pieces of 300–450 words).
Candidates are required to show that they can write imaginatively, using language to create deliberate effects, e.g. in conveying a mood or describing a character.
Section B: Writing for an audience (i.e. discursive/argumentative)
Candidates choose one out of three questions.
Parents are responsible for arranging their child's examinations at their local registered examination centre. Students study from every part of the globe and so it is not practical for the school to offer a single venue to sit examinations. THE PROVIDER, ALONGSIDE; Edexcel, OCR, AQA and will support students in locating a suitable venue for sitting their written and practical examinations.