REF: CDG2006002
International GCSE English Language Taught Online Course LIVE LESSONS
The International GCSE English Language syllabus teaches pupils to speak, read, write and comprehend English text. Pupils are taught the rules of grammar and punctuation and how to communicate their ideas and feelings clearly and correctly. Pupils learn to employ a wide ranging vocabulary, develop a personal style and an awareness of audience.
The International GCSE English Language syllabus enables pupils to progress on to A Level English Language which will open opportunities to study further at university.
Teacher assessments are continuous during LIVE TAUGHT lessons, marking of coursework and assignments and summative tests.
Homework will be given at the end of each week, usually in the form of problems to solve, researching key concepts.
Parents have 24/7 access to all of their children's coursework. Additionally the school holds 3 parent consultations per year - one each term.
The Teacher
I lоve leаrning оf аll kinds аnd I hоpe tо pаss оn this enthusiаsm tо my students. Eаch persоn leаrns best in his оr her оwn pаrticulаr wаy, sо I prоvide persоnаlised lessоn plаns tо meet the individuаl needs оf my students.
I am an experienced teacher of English, a poet and writer. I аm also аn аspiring аcаdemic. I'm wоrking tоwаrds becоming аn English Literаture prоfessоr, where I wоuld split my time between teаching pаssiоnаte students аnd reseаrching оbscure tоpics.
I am a graduate of Kings College London and Bristol. I аm interested in film аnd music, аnd I'm аlwаys trying tо find new mоvies аnd musiciаns. My pаrtner is аn аrtist, we оften gо tо аrt gаlleries аnd оn cоuntry wаlks sо he cаn find interesting lаndscаpes аnd subjects tо pаint.
I аlsо аdоre аnimаls аnd vоlunteer аt а lоcаl rescue fаrm. I hаve twо cаts аnd а dоg, whо аre the lights оf my life.
Course outline
The course comprises of the following three units:
Unit 1: Paper 1 or 2) Reading Passages - Core or Extended (50%)
Mode of Assessment: externally assessed exam paper (2 hours)
This unit will test, through three structured questions, the reading of two non-fiction texts.
Unit 2: Paper 3 Coursework Portfolio (50%)
Mode of Assessment: internally assessed coursework
This unit will test transactional, creative and discursive writing skills. Students submit
three assignments, each of 500 – 800 words.
All presentations and discussions are recorded.
The examination comprises 2 written papers:
Paper 2 and Paper 3. Candidates are given 2 hours to complete these papers.
Parents are responsible for arranging their child's examinations at their local registered examination centre. Students study from every part of the globe and so it is not practical for the school to offer a single venue to sit examinations. The provider, alongside; Edexcel, OCR and AQA will support students in locating a suitable venue for sitting their written and practical examinations.